Come on into my world, pull up a leopard print fur and get comfortable- pants are optional

I curtsey and welcome you with big grins but please be aware that I come with a warning sign- I have a foul mouth and a mind that does not aspire to loftier heights than the gutter it calls home. It enjoys the juicy, naughty fodder that my life supplies its dirty mind and I am all too happy to recount my tales to you, but rest assured you will inevitably be offended. So now the niceties are out of the way, here is a nice big mug of (insert cocktail of your choice). Enjoy the ride.

Friday 1 April 2011

tidbits and tales to tell...

Inevitably it is the sordid tales you wish to hear, the story of my rises and falls from grace, of my past full of mystique to the common traveller meandering along life's pretty path while me and those other twisted creatures I cavort with in the shadows watch you stroll along oblivious to the "out there".

But no, you shall not be satisfied just yet my darling normal... instead here are tasters of my tales for you to sample and see if you fancy joining me further.

Do you really want to know how I ended up on a stage in Japan, tapdancing like Jerry Lewis for my own enjoyment, with long uncoordinated limbs flying about like a whizzomagog, flailing about so mawkishly I laughed til I peed? And only to upset the Japanese sensibilities and to make myself so asexual they would be appalled... alas, they loved it. The tapdance of glee was born.

Or would you prefer to hear how one goes from playground designer to Dominatrix in 2 weeks? Ah, now I have your attention. It shall not be sated for now though, so let that beautiful but dormant imagination wander freely with fancies and wishes. But yes, I was indeed paid handsomely to beat and humiliate and use and abuse the willing slaves who sought to worship me. Tiresome really...

Monday 28 March 2011

David Bowie in Labyrinth - Magic Dance

BPAY Short And Sweet entry by Natalie Giles

BPAY Short And Sweet entry by Natalie Giles

Day 2... nobody told me this shit was hard!

Hello and good day to the great emptiness of cyberspace... didn't realise I was hiding away in private til now- not at all like me but apparently my blog is shy and retiring and scared of the glare of the public eye. Not anymore, so once someone reads me I will feel justified in rambling on I'm certain...

This blogging shit is complex man! tf? Nobody warned me. Frickin gadgets and widgets and advertising and feeds and hyperlinking and all sorts of shit I hate doing. All I wanna do is write about my smut and filth and foul dirty brain dribbles somewhere... too much to make it easy for me?

Over and out for now- I should be working. Meh

Sunday 27 March 2011

Good golly Miss Holly!

Bondi Holly- oh my!

Bring on the laydees! This incredible artist's luscious ladies grace the walls of my home.... what a delight they are too!

Today's piece of happy from me to you

Wow, I finally made it on here to actually deflower my blog- I'm a virgin blogger you see. There isn't much I haven't tried at least once but this is a new pain in the ass idea I had and no doubt will lose interest in soon... for I have the attention span of a gnat. So bear with me, for my brain sometimes makes me dizzy what with all that darting about like a bouncy ball in my skull. Sucks when you have a hangover.

Please take heed of the warning sign above- I will swear, I will offend, I will accidentally titellate and then gross you out. And it won't occur to me that what I am sharing is not everyone's way of living nor is it "normal". Thank fuk for that. pahaha.... GOAL!!! We have our first F-bomb. Nice. On that note, I must run off and leave hastily as we have twilight fancy pants sailing things to attend to...